The Devil’s Greatest Tool

The Devil’s Greatest Tool

We all have dreams, aspirations, goals, and ideas that we would like to accomplish and do within our lifetime. Yet there is always something that stops us. Something in the way, whether it’s a day job, kids, or family members. But then there are those times that it’s something else. Usually, it comes in the form of our own mind.

We are all aware that mindset has a big part in what we do and how we accomplish things. We feel we are here to do great things and yet, in the back of all our minds is a little voice that hinders us. Tells us that it’s too hard, we can’t do it or makes us feel like we will fail.

And that my friend is the enemy. With all his tools of destruction, one is his absolute favorite.

As the story goes in Chapter 7 of Earl Nightingale’s book “On Success”.

One day the devil was having a sale, showing all of the tools he uses to cause mass destruction and chaos. Each one laid on a shelf of their own, displayed for all to see and a price tag to match. Listed in no particular order were the arrows of jealousy, the hammer of anger, the dagger of worry, the ax of fear, and the strangling noose of hatred, each with its own high price. But standing alone on a pedestal, up above all of them, just out of reach for anyone but him, was a worn and battered wedge. This was the devil’s most prized possession.

Intrigued by this little tool, a curious shopper inquired about the price, because the wedge cost more than all the other tools combined.

“Ah yes,” said the devil, “THAT is my favorite tool of all. For it is the Wedge of Doubt and Discouragement. You see, it’s so easy to use. It hardly takes any effort. All I have to do is get the very tip of the wedge into my victim and the rest is easy. Once the wedge is in, I just tap it ever so slightly and it slides in deeper and deeper.

“Sometimes I don’t have to do anything — my victims drive the wedge in deeper all by themselves! A small opening soon becomes a gaping crack, making room for the rest of my tools. Before you know it, my wedge has completely split a person’s dreams, hopes, and aspirations in two.”

Once that gets into someone’s mind that’s when I got them. Once I get a little bit of doubt in their mind they start supporting the doubt they have, it gets bigger and bigger.

“That’s why the wedge of discouragement commands such a high price — because it’s my most effective tool. It has opened more doors for me than all my other tools combined.”

How many of you have felt that way. One single solitary thought creeps in and creates this snowball of reasons why you can’t do one thing or another. The excuses come pouring in faster than your dream came in.

You are not the only ones that go through that. Sometimes it’s in the form of a friend or a family member. Or a total stranger.

Wayne Gretzky said, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” Michael Jordan missed more than 9000 shots, lost almost 300 games and 26 times, been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed., Babe Ruth had the most home runs but he also had the most strikes, because he always made a swing.

Oprah was told she wasn’t cut out for television

Walt Disney was told he lacked creativity

Colonel Sanders was rejected by 1,009 restaurants.

And Elvis Presley was told he couldn’t sing.

So when you are told by your inner voice or any other person that you can’t, remember that is the enemy waiting for the right moment to put in the most destructive force he has in his arsenal.